by Neometro

On Being Handy

Design, Open Musings - by Sonia Rentsch

The basic flow of making conversation generally starts by being introduced or introducing oneself, closely followed by a query on what one does. Point two in this formula has always been trying for me.

Depending on the audience, I vary my response. I’m a still life stylist… A set designer of sorts… An art director… An industrial designer by degree… A 3D illustrator…

People tend not to understand. Perhaps I should carry story boards.

In essense, I use my hands to build ideas and visuals that are photographed. I work with a multitude of materials and products in a variety of places with constantly changing people – photographers, art directors, graphic designers, ad agencies, publishers and friends.

At the very beginning of each job I am briefed for, clients ask for a storyboard. A visual explanation of what the end product may look like. Many places and people build these documents by sourcing reference imagery taken from the internet, books or magazines. They cut and paste other people’s work into a collage. I’ve never fully understood this.

Instead what I prefer to do is construct rough imagery of ideas made by hand and mesh them together to form a starting point. My reference images are my own work.  They ensure that I am a part of the process. That what you see from beginning to end, are my hands on ideas made real.

Hello, my name is Sonia.

I am a Still Life Stylist.

 By Sonia Rentsch




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