by Neometro

Jewell Station Projection Night: A Selection of Short Films

Arts & Events - by Open Journal

On a Friday evening in August Open Journal held a Projection Night at Jewell Station to launch the New Urban Village Film Series. 

A selection of publicly accessible films were curated to accompany the series, each selected to explore different elements of urban living.

The variety of shorts look at taking time to appreciate living in the city, looking at living in Havana, a city on the precipice of great change, apartment living in a re-gentrifying Johannesburg, building specifically for cargo bikes in Malmo, Sweden and how people live in their apartments in Paris, Manchester and Berlin.


Looking at the city

How to Live in the City

Navigating the Streets of Havana

Looking at buildings

Malmo’s Cargo Bike Apartments 

South Africa’s Tower of Trouble

Looking at Apartments 

In Residence: Clémence and Didier Krzentowski in Paris. 

In Residence: Ian Simpson in Manchester

In Residence: Angelika Taschen in Berlin


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