by Neometro

Architecture In Helsinki: 'Dream A Little Crazy'

Arts & Events, Music - by Open Journal

Melbourne pop darlings Architecture In Helsinki have colloborated with and Melbourne native, London residing artist and body architect Lucy McRae and London designer Rachel Wingfield to create a video for the group’s latest single Dream a Little Crazy – a self-described “happiness filled tune crafted for a generation of anti-gloom futurists”.

Commissioned by Protein for the UK’s Channel 4, the video for Dream a Little Crazy is a surreal kaleidoscopic affair, which takes place in a creation that McRrae and Wingfield have called ‘The Biological Bakery’. The pair elaborates:

“A series of absurd machines provide the backdrop for this entirely edible DIY bio fab–lab operated by lead vocalist Dr Bird and his twinned assistants. Using familiar baking processes that merge the mass production of food with the representation of the body, a production line of miniaturised band members are transformed into edible, cloned body parts that are dipped and rotated on mass in huge vats of bacterial skin. The Biological Bakery hints at how synthetic biology could develop in the home.”

Check it out below. 


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