Fringe Furniture, the longest-running event in the annual Melbourne Fringe Festival, invites this year’s audiences to look Between the Lines. This theme, central to the festival as a whole, asks audiences to look closely at design, to discover meanings beyond the practical, and to interpret messages implied in the work of some of our city’s most innovative and evocative emerging and established designers.

Christopher Dalzell Fragmented Volumes Within a Collapsing Form
To be held at Abbotsford Convent, this year’s Fringe Furniture hosts 128 works from 110 artists – 70 of whom have never exhibited their work at Fringe Furniture previously. Forty exhibitors are returning Fringe Furniture artists, including founder of the Melbourne Fringe Festival Bruce Filley, Alex Lesniowski and Ryan Straford.

Dean Toepfer Ziami Pendant Light
New to Fringe Furniture in 2015 are the artist talks, an opportunity to hear the artists speak about their work and ask questions. The artist talks will run every Sunday (20th, 27th & 4th) at 3pm, throughout the exhibition.
Fringe Furniture 2015: Between the Lines is on from 17 September – 4 October at Abbotsford Convent, Sacred Heart Chapel Oratory and Ironing Rooms.
Some of our favourite pieces below:

Matty Fuller, Dune.

Prachi Lai Woodoo Smoke

Isaac Pelchen The Studley Stool.

Greta Shields Practically Pixelated

Cameron Farrant Resistance