by Neometro

Jewell Station Wrapped Up

Design - by Open Journal

Winter is here and Jewell Station is wrapped up accordingly.

24 women of Yarn Corner have brightened Jewell Station with life and colour with their fantastic woolen creations. Bumble bees, jewels, flowers, webs, zigzags and floppy armed characters line the Upfield Bicycle Track between Union Street and Barkly Streets.

Yarn Bombing as it’s commonly known, is a community based effort, produced by a team of volunteers that give back to the community of Brunswick’s Jewell Station.

The installations create an environment that feeds curiosity, with surprising moments of intrigue and humour that adds to the experience coming to Jewell Station and traveling along the bike track.

After all, the detail of the works cannot be fully appreciated from a car, instead the pieces support a pedestrian centric urban landscape, providing moments of high density happiness along your commute.


Yarn Corner’s volunteers in action


The installation took four hours to sew up


The Upfield Bike track looking to Barkly Street


The entry to the station now bright and furry


Jewels at Jewell.


Urban bee keeping



Already popular with the locals.


Team effort.


Jewell’s new welcoming party.


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