by Neometro

Lilo Apartment by Ohlo Studio

Design, High Density Homes - by Open Journal

Lilo Apartment, situated in Western Australia’s beachside suburb of Cottesloe, began its upgrade journey with a client brief that aimed to capture the essence of “Sydney art deco meets Palm Springs mid-century” harnessing a “seaside eclectic with a slightly masculine edge.”

Ohlo Studio were tasked with the job of realising the visual outcome to vastly improve the apartments overall liveability and ultimately achieve a serene refuge for its resident. With a hefty consideration for the fact that this is a rented residence, and hence required minimal intervention to the structural elements and the remainder of the building, a considered approach was taken capitalising on the charm of the building itself and the clients readiness to embrace some bold colour and material choices.

The outcome heralds a stunning precedent in personalising a rental property to turn it into a beautifully unique home. Elevating the illusion of space within the small footprint of the apartment and creating a unique, design-focused interior were paramount to the upgrade and realised through a clever cohesion between a rich colour palette, unique material choices and careful zoning of the apartments areas of activity. 











The aesthetic emphasis for this apartment was on creating a laid back, sophisticated and ordered refuge environment also suited to entertaining clients and friends. The economic emphasis was on ensuring that the furniture, art and other portable objects were used as key design elements that can be retained by the resident when he inevitable moves on from this leased apartment. 











With the visual and economic directives prioritised, a secondary layer to Ohlo Studio’s approach is evident in the upgrade of other aesthetic elements within the apartments interior. The existing floating timber floor was replaced by a cost-effective bold floor tile for maximum impact. Wall colours were darkened and new carpets installed in the bedrooms to provide intimacy and a more masculine effect in line with the original design brief. Light fittings were upgraded and dimmers installed throughout the home sensitively using existing services location. A proportion of the lighting budget was cleverly allocated to occasional lighting wherever possible to reduce down lighting and create a moody, inviting atmosphere.









Everything in Lilo Apartment has been carefully considered and curated. The visual brief could have resulted in a chaotic assortment of styles, but the composition is instead harmonious and playful. The spatial experience is sophisticated while still retaining a softness that nurtures the warmth and domesticity of the home. 

Photography by Patrick Schüttler.

Words by Ohlo StudioTiffany Jade


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