by Neometro

Neometro Achieves ReCertification as a B Corp.

Ideas - by Open Journal

For Neometro, business is about financial and social outcomes- we are strong supporters of social enterprise. 

Neometro’s commitment to a vision of “triple bottom line” business is reflected by being Australia’s first property development group to receive B Corp certification and we are thrilled that we have again achieved recertification.

B Corp is a US-based, “triple bottom line” accreditation that assesses business against social, community, governance and environmental criteria. Other local and international B Corp’s include Patagonia, Ben & Jerry’s, Australian Ethical, Dumbo Feather, Small Giants, Pro Bono Australia, Keep Cup, The School of Life and Who Gives a Crap. Neometro Director, James Tutton was a founding board member of B Corp Australia and New Zealand.

Since our beginning in 1985, Neometro has been involved in developing and supporting social and community initiatives. In keeping with our commitment to design culture, Neometro produces the online publication, Open Journal, as well as supports the public advocacy platform, the High Density Happiness speaker series.

The High Density Happiness Speaker Series at the MPavilion.

Neometro committed our 300 square metre car park at Nine Smith Street to the not-for-profit urban farming project, 3,000acres. The Nine Smith Street car park will be transformed into a temporary food-growing laboratory where community members can learn the art of growing, preparing, cooking and sharing seasonal fruit and vegetables. The partnership with 3000acres has now extended to our new site at Jewell Station in Brunswick.

3000acres Launch

Neometro’s contribution to the community of our Jewell Station project was a natural continuation of our position to use business as a force for good by developing apartments that support the positive physical and mental wellbeing of the occupant, contributes to an active streetscape and build resilient communities.

MoreArt and RMIT community talks on public art at Jewell Station.

Jewell Station holds an on-going free community event program under the themes of art, design, food and wellbeing. Our program has partnered with a wide range of local community groups including yarnbombing with Yarn Corner, producing a mural with esteemed local artist Ash Keating, mindfulness sessions with Smiling Mind and the Mind Room, Urban Therapy with the OK Collective, fortnightly planting workshops with 3000acres, coffee cupping workshops with Phase One Coffee, film projection nights, yoga with Modern Tribe, architecture bike rides with Squeaky Wheel and art installations with Brunswick Arts Space, Contemporary Editions, RMIT’s School of Culture and Transformation and Moreland City Council’s public art program, MoreArt.

Neometro’s ‘beyond the bottom line’ approach was recently featured on Generosity Magazine, as well as being widely supported by pieces in with the AFR, the Fifth Estate and the Sydney Morning Herald.

The Jewell Station Gallery with an exhibition by Contemporary Editions.

We look forward to continuing our “triple bottom line” approach business well into the future.


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