Neometro’s 36 Wynnstay Road, completed in 2004 was up for re-sale last week. The project, designed well over 13 years ago, was featured as a Good Design Case Study by the Victorian Department of Planning in 2010.
We take a look back:
This block of eight apartments is located on a large inner suburban site. The neighbouring sites, which were formerly freestanding family houses, have been redeveloped as ‘six-pack’ apartment blocks. The adjoining apartment buildings are typical 60s-era, three-storey walk-ups with minimal setbacks from all boundaries and visually dominant on-site car parking.
This project reworked the infill apartment model and in particular provided an improved level of amenity. It also created individual building character, giving pride of ownership.
Residents’ cars are located out of sight in a basement, which also frees up more space for units and patios at ground level. The ground level apartments now have usable private open space. The building’s presence in the streetscape is enriched by investment in modern, high quality design and materials while the less visible parts of the building remain more neutral.
This project shows how a much berated but economically viable development model, the compact infill block often known as ‘six-packs’, can be reinvented by thoughtful design consideration and focused investment to provide a sympathetic means of increasing dwelling density.

Photo: Derek Swalwell
Originally published in the Good Design Case Studies by the Department of Planning and Community Development (now DELWP) in 2010.